17 Oct 2011

Question #7

Question 7. What makes a photograph interesting?

A significant ingredient that makes a photograph interesting is empathy, for it gives viewers an initial path for cognitive and emotional comprehension of the subject. Yet the value of a photograph is not limited to its depiction of people, places, things, and feelings akin to those in our life. An engaging image contains within it the capacity to sensitize and stimulate our latent exploratory senses. Such a photograph asserts ideas and perceptions that we recognize as our own but could not have given concrete form to without having first seen that image.

R. Hirsch & J. Valentino (2001)

老鹰捉小鸡。2008。Sony P71.



 “好”照片是主观和相对的评价。每个人对“好”都有不懂的诠释,每个人都觉得自己的照片不错,每个人都觉得著名摄影师的照片是好的,每个人都觉得初学者的照片只是“尚有进步空间”。“好”照片在另个人眼中也只不过是“不怎么”。以上照片是一架用了很久的相机,在有限的功能下,在我错误的操控下,使尽全力地挤出所有资讯——就好像现在我的脑一样, 使尽全力地回顾过去。我们不都如此吗?回忆将在脑中渐渐淡化,越来越白。直到一天,我们想要回忆时,却只剩下空白。



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