20 Nov 2009


我没有看轰动一时的《2012》,可是我做了一些有趣的事情,就是看旧片。其中就是《The Day the Earth Stood Still》的原本影片。1951年的黑白片,看起来真有韵味。 本来要找2008年的片子,不过只找到旧的版本,于是干脆看看。心想,也许看了原版再看新版的会有所收获。

事隔50多年,新旧内容有很大的差别。相同的是,人类还是像08版内的配角所说:死性难改。黑白片的结尾非常简单,只是外星人对众科学家的一番劝告,然后扬长而去。可是我觉得这对于50年代的人们来说已经相当有意义了。然后从1996的《Mars Attack!》直到2004的《The Day After Tomorrow》,戏中还是反反复复地重复同样的“课题”:人类一定要在面临灭顶之灾的时候才会醒悟。


然后就是场景。大家没有发觉每次故事都是从美国开始吗?因为拍戏的都是美国人?连外星人都好像很喜欢在白宫前面登陆。以上的电影都是如此,而1996的《Independence Day》里的总统更厉害,驾飞机打外星人。什么时候能让外星人尝一尝中国功夫的厉害,或者让马来西亚首相跟外星人一对一? 还有好多末日电影等着我看。可是我希望有日没有人要看了,因为这就代表这种电影不必要了——我们真的知道如何爱地球、爱人类了。

后记:新版的《The Day the Earth Stood Still》其实平平罢了,不过有句话值得注意。
No, it is not your (human's) planet.


  1. Somehow the comments I typed in Chinese got banished into another realm by the backspace key. Forgive me as I will use English here.

    The future have endless possibilities, why does it need to be green?

    I believe (Disney Cartoon) ' Meet the Robinson' background is in a green future.

    Also with that little numbered keys, yet a piano could still be used to create endless possibilities.

    And most people doesn't even realize or think about what are they seeing. Call that living, but they just watch, that's what they do.

    Putting Malaysia in The World ending theme. Wouldn't that be a good laugh? The movie need to be somewat related to the audience to have good reception.

  2. Interesting.

    Whatever color the future is, I think it should be in balance. Not too many trees, not too few. One thing always come to me: does the extinction of present species mean decreasing biodiversity? The answer could be "no" if the extinction could give rise to new species in the future. Taking this question as an example, I agree on your saying that the future have endless possibilities.

    And even if the world should end up like "The Matrix" or "A.I.", I think we will still wake up and do something to make the world back in equilibrium.

    Yeap, that's what I want to say. Malaysia still need more effort to play the role as world leader in fighting against evil aliens.

  3. Well, the end of the world is the moment I started to type English comments. Or it shouldn't be that worst, maybe just a disaster.

    I can't imaging the world come up like "The Matrix" and/ or "A.I."(althought these are my favorite movie), but I hope one day we can end up like "Narnia", the world with myth and witch. It is green. Right? And there is a lion which can speak.

  4. Well, I thought Narnia features the Middle Age? But it's green anyway, and I think myths and legends always have wide green fields. But it would be better if blood doesn't spill and make the green carpet red...hehe.

    Even if our world ended up in a situation like A.I. or The Matrix, our kindness can still warm the entire world. And there will always be something robots lack, Hope.
